Information in regard to the Coronavirus

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With this post we want to inform you about how the corona virus covid-19 affects Tollco AB.

To assess the material situation, we have contacted our major suppliers. Everyone replies that there are currently no disruptions in the supply chain.

We have taken precautionary measures to protect our employees and customers in the best possible way. During this time we will only receive visits in exceptional cases. We will also not make any trips in the service unless absolutely necessary.

We are keeping updated on the situation and hope that together we can help to reduce the risk of spread. How it develops is of course impossible to predict, but at the time of writing we have no disturbances with either raw material or staff absence. Should this change, we will of course inform those concerned about this and take measures that will alleviate the disturbance as far as possible.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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